Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the 4-Week Go Viral Challenge!

    • A Message from your Instructor

  • 2

    Introduction to Marketing and Initial Set Up

    • Training Prerequisites

    • Commonly Used Terms

    • Setting Up Your Google Chrome

    • Have your Facebook Account Verified

    • FB Account Set Up- 2-Step Verification

    • FB Account Set Up- Delivery Settings

    • FB Account Set Up- Profile Tagging Settings

    • Deep Warm Up

    • Marketing Triad

    • Questions and Answers

    • Worksheet: Introduction to Marketing and Initial Set Up

  • 3

    What's Your Irresistible Offer?

    • Offer Creation

    • What People Buy?

    • Product vs Offer

    • Offer Prerequisite

    • Offer Components- New Opportunities

    • Offer Components- Attractive Bundles and Packages

    • Offer Components- Risk Reversal

    • Recap on Module 1

    • Questions and Answers: Module 1

    • Worksheet: What's Your Irresistible Offer?

  • 4

    Do You Have A Converting Sales Funnel?

    • Killer Sales Process

    • Sales Process Prerequisites

    • Business Page Set Up

    • Messaging Automation

    • Full Funnel Structure

    • Is the “Full Funnel Structure” for your Business?

    • Assignment- Create Ad Copy and Messages

    • Question and Answer - Module 2

    • Worksheet: Do You Have A Converting Sales Funnel?

  • 5

    How to Reach Your Ideal Customers?

    • Full Funnel Campaign Strategy

    • Introduction to Facebook Business Manager

    • Setting Up Your Business Manager

    • Organizing Your Business Manager Links

    • Exploring Your Ads Manager

    • Customizing and Understanding Your Metrics

    • Creating Your “Top of the Funnel” Campaign

    • Specific Targeting For Your Ad Campaigns

    • Facebook Ads Campaign Audit: Step 1

    • Facebook Ads Campaign Audit: Step 2

    • Facebook Ads Campaign Audit: Step 3

    • Facebook Ads Campaign Audit: Step 4

    • Facebook Ads Campaign Audit: Step 5

    • Question and Answer: Module 3 Part 1

    • Worksheet: How To Reach Your Ideal Customers?

  • 6

    Are You Hitting Your Target Customers?

    • How a “Newbie” Advertizes a Target Audience

    • How an “Advance User” Advertizes a Target Audience

    • How a “Wizard” Advertizes a Target Audience

    • Prospecting Tips

    • Retargeting Your “Warm” Audiences

    • Retargeting Your “Hot” and “Loyal” Audiences

    • Full Funnel Audience Targeting (Confidential)

    • Question and Answer: Module 3 Part 2

    • Worksheet: Are You Hitting Your Target Customers?

  • 7

    This Is It!

    • More resources for you

    • HOW TO RECOVER Facebook Ad Accounts, Business Manager and Profiles

    • Before you go...

  • 8

    Weekly Call Recordings

    • Weekly Call - 08/11/2022

    • Weekly Call - 08/18/2022

    • Weekly Call - 08/25/2022

    • Weekly Call - 09/08/2022

    • Weekly Call - 09/15/2022

    • Weekly Call - 09/22/2022

    • Weekly Call - 09/29/2022

    • Weekly Call - 10/12/2022

    • Weekly Call - 10/19/2022

    • Weekly Call - 11/02/2022

    • Onboarding Call for Batch 3 - 11/21/2022

    • Weekly Call - 11/23/2022

    • Weekly Call - 11/30/2022

    • Weekly Call - 12/15/2022

    • Weekly Call - 12/21/2022

    • Weekly Call - 01/04/2023

    • Weekly Call - 01/11/2023

    • Weekly Call - 01/25/2023

    • Weekly Call - 02/01/2023

    • Weekly Call - 02/08/2023

    • Weekly Call - 03/01/2023

    • Weekly Call - 03/22/2023

    • Weekly Call - 04/12/2023

    • Weekly Call - 04/19/2023

    • Weekly Call - 04/26/2023

    • Weekly Call - 05/17/2023

    • Weekly Call - 05/24/2023

    • Weekly Call - 06/07/2023